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Pranešimų skaičius : 62
Join date : 2009-07-21
Age : 33
Miestas : Kretinga

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Apie   Apie Icon_minitimeKv. 08 20, 2009 12:50 am

Gimė: 1946 m. vasario 21 d., Hammersmith, Londonas, Anglija
Tikrasis vardas: Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman
Broliai, seserys: du broliai ir sesuo

Keletas faktų apie Alan:

* 1995 m. Empire žurnalo išrinktas tarp 100 seksualiausių žvaigždžių filmų istorijoje (#34)
* Severo Sneipo vaidmenį gavo tik atsisakius Tim Roth
* jo tėtis mirė, kai Alan buvo aštuonerių
* yra antras šeimoje
* sako, kad Kanada jam - kaip antri namai
* 2007 m. Empire žurnalo išrinktas tarp 100 seksualiausių žvaigždžių filmų istorijoje (#83)

Personal Quotes:

"I do take my work seriously and the way to do that is not to take yourself too seriously."

On longtime partner Rima Horton: "I think every relationship should be allowed to have its own rules. She's tolerant. She's incredibly tolerant. Unbelievably tolerant. Possibly a candidate for sainthood."

"I have a love-hate relationship with white silk."

I do feel more myself in America. I can regress there, and they have roller-coaster parks.

On not being a father: "I love to travel and I don't have children, so there is a certain freedom."

If you spend any time in Los Angeles, there's only one topic of conversation.

Los Angeles is not a town full of airheads. There's a great deal of wonderful energy there.

I love America because whenever I go home -- there's something about England and coming from England-- but as soon as you walk down the steps of the plane you shrink. And you have to start saying "sorry" and being polite and curtsying and things like that... America just lets me be the klutz I really am.
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