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Pranešimų skaičius : 62
Join date : 2009-07-21
Age : 33
Miestas : Kretinga

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Apie   Apie Icon_minitimeKv. 08 20, 2009 2:32 am

Gimė: 1950 m. kovo 30 d., Rutherglen, Škotija
Tikrasis vardas: Anthony Robert McMillan

Keletas faktų apie Robbie:

* turi du vaikus: sūnų Spencer (1992) ir dukterį Alice (1998)
* sutiko vaidinti Hagridą tik tada, kai to primygtinai reikalavo jo vaikai
* buvo pirmasis asmuo, išrinktas vaidinti filme Haris Poteris ir Išminties akmuo. Jį išrinko J.K.Rowling

Personal Quotes:

"In real life, I'm 6' 1" - each way pretty well, north and south and east and west, unfortunately."

"Once you've been doing anything for twenty-five years people start to notice you. What was really nice about the OBE is that it's the first award where I didn't have to make a speech and I didn't have to sit there waiting to see if I'd won - I knew I was going to get it."
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